Tabula Rasa’s heavy weapons trailer vid

A trailer for NCSoft‘s upcoming MMORPG Tabula RasaRichard Garriott‘s Tabula Rasa is the game’s full title – has been released. The video focuses on the heavy weapons that players can make use of in the game.

Most of the video shows guns in action, but there’s also some footage featuring Logo abilities and items such as grenades as well shots of mech-like machines raining some hot metal death on the Bane. You can also check out how the transport ships in the game look like. Check it out below.

A trailer for NCSoft‘s upcoming MMORPG Tabula RasaRichard Garriott‘s Tabula Rasa is the game’s full title – has been released. The video focuses on the heavy weapons that players can make use of in the game.

Most of the video shows guns in action, but there’s also some footage featuring Logo abilities and items such as grenades as well shots of mech-like machines raining some hot metal death on the Bane. You can also check out how the transport ships in the game look like. Check it out below.

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