Tales of Symphonia: Innocence screenshots
Fans of Namco Bandai‘s Tales franchise should be pleased with this Tales of Symphonia: Innocence update. We’ve got a handful of screenshots coming your way, as well as profile pictures of the two new characters: the green-haired Spada Belforma and Ricardo Soldato, who apparently is a soldier (yeah, we made that guess partly because of his name).
We can’t help but drool at the sight of how Tales of Innocence will look in the Nintendo DS handheld: fully rendered in 3D, and the fights will adapt the usual real-time battling system that is inherent in most Tales titles, ensuring frantic mayhem jampacked in a handheld.
There’s not much information available for this sweet DS RPG for now, but here’s the screenshots to tide you over (or make the wait more unbearable for you).
More updates as they come!
More screenshots after the jump!
Fans of Namco Bandai‘s Tales franchise should be pleased with this Tales of Symphonia: Innocence update. We’ve got a handful of screenshots coming your way, as well as profile pictures of the two new characters: the green-haired Spada Belforma and Ricardo Soldato, who apparently is a soldier (yeah, we made that guess partly because of his name).
We can’t help but drool at the sight of how Tales of Innocence will look in the Nintendo DS handheld: fully rendered in 3D, and the fights will adapt the usual real-time battling system that is inherent in most Tales titles, ensuring frantic mayhem jampacked in a handheld.
There’s not much information available for this sweet DS RPG for now, but here’s the screenshots to tide you over (or make the wait more unbearable for you).
More updates as they come!
Via Dengeki Online