Tales of Vesperia Special Edition Soundtrack finally comes out

Finally - Image 1It was early August 2008 when Namco Bandai senior marketing manager Dennis Lee first detailed the contents of Tales of Vesperia Special Edition, which came with a code to be used to claim a “special bonus.” But just like having a friggin’ baby, it took them nine months to deliver on that promise, leaving those who got the Special Edition hanging – until now. Finally.

Soundtrack Vol. 2 - Image 1It was early August 2008 when Namco Bandai senior marketing manager Dennis Lee first detailed the contents of Tales of Vesperia Special Edition, which came with a code to be used to claim a “special bonus.” But just like having a friggin’ baby, it took them nine months to deliver on that promise, leaving those who got the Special Edition hanging – until now. Finally.

You can claim your “special bonus,” which is Volume 2 of the 10th Anniversary Soundtrack, at the TalesRPG official site. I just hope you still have your codes intact, nine months is a long time.

When the special edition was announced:

Via TalesRPG

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