Tekken 6 PSP – Lars pwning Azazel

Barney? - Image 1While checking out the Mishima Zaibatsu space on PlayStation Home a few days back, a guy walks up to me and asks for tips on how to beat Azazel. I may not have given satisfactory tips at the time, given that it was a loaded question for a guy who doesn’t have a keyboard, so maybe this vid would help. As for those who like their Tekken 6 on a portable, here’s a little something for the newly-launched version.

While checking out the Mishima Zaibatsu space on PlayStation Home a few days back, a guy walks up to me and asks for tips on how to beat Azazel. I may not have given satisfactory tips at the time, given that it was a loaded question for a guy who doesn’t have a keyboard, so maybe this vid would help. As for those who like their Tekken 6 on a portable, here’s a little something for the newly-launched version.

For those who’ve ignored the Story Mode and spent all their Tekken 6 time on ranked matches, Azazel is Barney on steroids – at least when he’s at full life. It might not be the best vid to show you how to take the boss down – the Azazel AI barely fought back on that one, but still, props to the Lars user for displaying some cool combos.

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