Ten more Devil May Cry 4 screens
You’ve played all the previous games, you’ve watched the trailer, you now own a next-gen console but nothing really quenches your thirst for the new blood that Devil May Cry 4 will rain. We can’t help you with that, but we do have a quick fix of more screenshots to keep you drooling.
If you haven’t heard, Capcom revealed that a new hero will be playable for this installment of the on-going saga of the underworld. His name is Nero, a child who grew up in the religious group of knights called “the order of the sword.” Your order has woken up with a frisky mood one morning and decides to slay all the demons they can find. Hmm, sounds fun. If it moves, it dies!
Want more fun? Click on the jump and see more Devil May Cry 4 screens!
You’ve played all the previous games, you’ve watched the trailer, you now own a next-gen console but nothing really quenches your thirst for the new blood that Devil May Cry 4 will rain. We can’t help you with that, but we do have a quick fix of more screenshots to keep you drooling.
If you haven’t heard, Capcom revealed that a new hero will be playable for this installment of the on-going saga of the underworld. His name is Nero, a child who grew up in the religious group of knights called “the order of the sword.” Your order has woken up with a frisky mood one morning and decides to slay all the demons they can find. Hmm, sounds fun. If it moves, it dies!
And where does old Dante figure into all of these, you may ask? Details are still blurry, but the one thing that Nero believes is that he saw the hero of Sparda kill several knights and decides to go after him.
A lot of questions will be answered come the release of this dynamite offering. We’ll keep you posted until then.
Via Worthplaying