Tenchu Z Impersonation power-up feature

It’s a good thing that Microsoft decided to bring From Software‘s Tenchu Senran to North America (now known as Tenchu Z). The video game is actually one of the more popular series in Japan because of its background story which is a mix of themes from feudal Japan and Japanese mythology. This is not to mention that the series was actually one of the first ninja games that introduced stealth mode.

Speaking of which, you might want to pay attention to Tenchu Z‘s Impersonation power-up feature. Ninjas, as we are all aware of, are excellent when it comes to concealing themselves in the shadows. However, it feels like the Impersonation feature is much cooler as it allows your character to “disappear” even though that character is in broad daylight.

The Impersonation power-up is connected to the video game’s character customization feature. Accordingly, players have the option to change, among others, their character’s facial features, hairstyle, tattoos, head accessories, tunics, pants, arm accessories, footwear, and weapon sheathes. The power-up lets your ninja steal the identity of your victim temporarily to further evade detection.

As you progress in the game, more and more articles of clothing will be available for purchase, making it a lot easier to blend in the environment.

Tenchu Z Impersonation feature - Image 2Tenchu Z Impersonation feature - Image 1

Via Planet Xbox360

It’s a good thing that Microsoft decided to bring From Software‘s Tenchu Senran to North America (now known as Tenchu Z). The video game is actually one of the more popular series in Japan because of its background story which is a mix of themes from feudal Japan and Japanese mythology. This is not to mention that the series was actually one of the first ninja games that introduced stealth mode.

Speaking of which, you might want to pay attention to Tenchu Z‘s Impersonation power-up feature. Ninjas, as we are all aware of, are excellent when it comes to concealing themselves in the shadows. However, it feels like the Impersonation feature is much cooler as it allows your character to “disappear” even though that character is in broad daylight.

The Impersonation power-up is connected to the video game’s character customization feature. Accordingly, players have the option to change, among others, their character’s facial features, hairstyle, tattoos, head accessories, tunics, pants, arm accessories, footwear, and weapon sheathes. The power-up lets your ninja steal the identity of your victim temporarily to further evade detection.

As you progress in the game, more and more articles of clothing will be available for purchase, making it a lot easier to blend in the environment.

Tenchu Z Impersonation feature - Image 2Tenchu Z Impersonation feature - Image 1

Via Planet Xbox360

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