The Good Bookr v1.1

The Good Bookr - Image 1Homebrew developer Phosphorous just updated his homebrew application, The Good Bookr for the Sony PlayStation Portable, to add a very convenient search feature for all your Bible reading needs. Check out the full article for more details.

Download: The Good Bookr v1.1

The Good Bookr screenshot - Image 1It has been a while since homebrew developer Phosphorous updated his Bible reader for the Sony PlayStation Portable, but considering how much the homebrew application improved, it’s undoubtedly worth the wait. The Good Bookr version 1.1 allows users to conveniently search for specific books they want, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Just like its initial release, The Good Bookr is still loaded with the entire King James version of the Bible. However, browsing through God’s Word is now much easier with a search function that supports even book abbreviations. When there’s only one search result, the app takes you automatically to the verse you wanted to see instead of displaying the search menu.

The Danzeff keypad was included to make your searches much smoother, and since it’s possible to search the entire Bible, there’s a search history feature to tell you what you already went through. Here’s The Good Bookr version 1.1’s changelog:

  • Search by book, chapter, or verse, with support for book abbreviations.
  • Search history (similar to command line history.)
  • Option to search entire Bible (can be slow, use accordingly.)
  • Danzeff numeric pad modified to make searching for verses easier.
  • Single search result opens directly instead of opening search menu.

The Readme file included in the download has everything else you need to know such as The Good Bookr’s controls and how to install it, so don’t forget to check that out.

Download: The Good Bookr v1.1

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