The “Latest” DAoC Grab Bag (a Bit Late)

Grab BagYes, we are a little late in getting to the latest Dark Ages of Camelot Grab Bag (sorry, I spent too much time playing the homebrew games we downloaded). But I won’t ignore old news (the Grab Bag was posted August 18) if it’s good news that some of you haven’t heard.

Sanya of the Camelot Herald clarified a few technical and game details. One long answer in this Grab Bag: whether a paladin’s damage per second is increased while under the effect of the haste aura. Yes, damage over a time period increases with melee haste (we actually enjoyed the long technical answer to this). Another clarification was, yes, you can go over the cap in an RVR area, but once you leave the area, you can’t come back. Also, there are qui cap armor pieces being readied for the next Pendragon version.

Only one Labyrinth of the Minotaur Q&A, though:

Q: The Labyrinth press release says the new race can use 2H weapons in one hand! Have you thought about XYZ?
A: Yes, we have, and we think we can do it in a good way for the game. This is where I mention that it’s only a plan. Actual play testing may yet prove that we should not do this, in which case, we won’t. It’s a press release, not holy writ.

Our favorite Q&A:

Q: I was wondering why the Black and Grey Unicorns do not have any glowy horns.
A: Player feedback from roleplayers – they were pretty clear that not all unicorns are or should be sparkly vessels of wonderment.

We second that motion!

Via Camelot Herald

Grab BagYes, we are a little late in getting to the latest Dark Ages of Camelot Grab Bag (sorry, I spent too much time playing the homebrew games we downloaded). But I won’t ignore old news (the Grab Bag was posted August 18) if it’s good news that some of you haven’t heard.

Sanya of the Camelot Herald clarified a few technical and game details. One long answer in this Grab Bag: whether a paladin’s damage per second is increased while under the effect of the haste aura. Yes, damage over a time period increases with melee haste (we actually enjoyed the long technical answer to this). Another clarification was, yes, you can go over the cap in an RVR area, but once you leave the area, you can’t come back. Also, there are qui cap armor pieces being readied for the next Pendragon version.

Only one Labyrinth of the Minotaur Q&A, though:

Q: The Labyrinth press release says the new race can use 2H weapons in one hand! Have you thought about XYZ?
A: Yes, we have, and we think we can do it in a good way for the game. This is where I mention that it’s only a plan. Actual play testing may yet prove that we should not do this, in which case, we won’t. It’s a press release, not holy writ.

Our favorite Q&A:

Q: I was wondering why the Black and Grey Unicorns do not have any glowy horns.
A: Player feedback from roleplayers – they were pretty clear that not all unicorns are or should be sparkly vessels of wonderment.

We second that motion!

Via Camelot Herald

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