The Myspace of Miis to come to Wii soon?

Who will be a bright star in the sea of Miis. - Image 1Techwhack reports that there may be a new Mii channel in the works that’ll bring the popularity contests of the world straight to your fingertips.

The new channel seems to be some sort of mix between your usual Mii Channel and the Everybody Votes Channel, allowing users to compare Miis and vote on them in popularity contests. Of course, this is all speculation, but it does make for an interesting question. How would they make a Mii popular?

Given that everyone can presumably create similar Miis, making a popularity contest for them seems moot, as everyone can simply copy Miis or make new ones that fit the aesthetic values of the future Wii voting community. How will one Mii really stand out in this sense?

What do you guys think? How will they implement this channel, if it happens to be true, and what do you think will make one Mii shine brighter than the rest? More importantly… will they call it MiiSpace?

Who will be a bright star in the sea of Miis. - Image 1Techwhack reports that there may be a new Mii channel in the works that’ll bring the popularity contests of the world straight to your fingertips.

The new channel seems to be some sort of mix between your usual Mii Channel and the Everybody Votes Channel, allowing users to compare Miis and vote on them in popularity contests. Of course, this is all speculation, but it does make for an interesting question. How would they make a Mii popular?

Given that everyone can presumably create similar Miis, making a popularity contest for them seems moot, as everyone can simply copy Miis or make new ones that fit the aesthetic values of the future Wii voting community. How will one Mii really stand out in this sense?

What do you guys think? How will they implement this channel, if it happens to be true, and what do you think will make one Mii shine brighter than the rest? More importantly… will they call it MiiSpace?

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