The possiblities of Nintendo’s grabbed domains…

WiiSo, a period of time after announcing the new name for their new next gen console, it seems Nintendo have gone crazy and decided to grab as many domain names as they could. However at this point in time, we can’t say whether these were specific to new technology or games the Wii might implement, but what we could do is substantiate a few rumours to these names.

From my point of view it seems that most of these incorporate the use of the Wiimote and Nunchuk controllers, and, I also think they could implement the use of a camera attachment. Many I have labelled as possible fan sites, but I like the idea’s of online services, especially the Skype services.

To get you started, here are a few, many more after the jump: – Remember back at the Nintendo conference, where Shigeru and his mates turned themselves into cartoon characters when they played Tennis on the Wii? Well instantly I thought of an idea back then. How about going back to the classic mini game title, such as the case on the NES. What I mean is, a simple yet fun collection of sporting games that you and your mates could play using the handy Wiimote, and also personalising each screen player with your own face. – With this one, how about we take the reverse of the speaker in the Wiimote, how about we add a microphone, and we have an instant kareoke machine, even better if we add a camera and maybe a dance mat to create a fully fledged musical experience. This would further the current dominance by Sony on their dance mat, and microphone accessories. – Pondering this one for a while, and I’m still clued up about it, but, what if we implement a cooking contest mini game, or possibly a downloadable list of recipes. The list is endless, but from my knowledge of the online Wii Channel what if Nintendo are attempting to expand themselves to further on Microsoft’s Live and Sony’s platform, to offer an online service attractive to say house wives, and non cooking items like father’s DIY projects? – At this present time, I have few idea’s on what this could be for. – Initially I was dumb-struck, yet then I thought about Acronyms, and then I thought Voice Chat. Yes crude, but always an option, what if the Wiimote took advantage of microphone and speaker technology, and the Wii Channel service and provide a Skype service. I pondered some more, how about Video Chat, a service same as previous, but also using a camera attachment for live video feed. Again I pondered some more, how about if everyone in the house had their own Wiimote and took advantage of solid state memory and a small screen, and was able to access a personalised phone book and make WiFi calls? Of course this would mean a second generation of Wiimote controllers.

View the whole list and my many idea’s after the jump:

WiiSo, a period of time after announcing the new name for their new next gen console, it seems Nintendo have gone crazy and decided to grab as many domain names as they could. However at this point in time, we can’t say whether these were specific to new technology or games the Wii might implement, but what we could do is substantiate a few rumors to these names.

From my point of view it seems that most of these incorporate the use of the Wiimote and Nunchuk controllers, and, I also think they could implement the use of a camera attachment. Many I have labelled as possible fan sites, but I like the idea’s of online services, especially the Skype possibility. – Remember back at the Nintendo conference, where Shigeru and his mates turned themselves into cartoon characters when they played Tennis on the Wii? Well instantly I thought of an idea back then. How about going back to the classic mini game title, such as the case on the NES. What I mean is, a simple yet fun collection of sporting games that you and your mates could play using the handy Wiimote, and also personalising each screen player with your own face. We’ve commented on this one here and here. – With this one, how about we take the reverse of the speaker in the Wiimote, how about we add a microphone, and we have an instant karaoke machine, even better if we add a camera and maybe a dance mat to create a fully fledged musical experience. This would further the current dominance by Sony on their dance mat, and microphone accessories. We’ve commented specifically on it here. – Pondering this one for a while, and I’m still clued up about it, but, what if we implement a cooking contest mini game, or possibly a downloadable list of recipes. The list is endless, but from my knowledge of the online Wii Channel, what if Nintendo are attempting to expand themselves to further on Microsoft’s Live and Sony’s platform, to offer an online service attractive to say house wives, and non cooking items like father’s DIY projects? – At this present time, I have few idea’s on what this could be for. However a possible relation to Nintendo Power? – Initially I was dumb-struck, yet then I thought about Acronyms, and then I thought Voice Chat. Yes crude, but always an option, what if the Wiimote took advantage of microphone and speaker technology, and the Wii Channel service and provided a Skype service. I pondered some more, how about Video Chat, a service same as previous, but also using a camera attachment for live video feed. Again I pondered some more, how about if everyone in the house had their own Wiimote and took advantage of solid state memory and a small screen, and was able to access a personalised phone book and make WiFi calls? Of course this would mean a second generation of Wiimote controllers. We’ve commented on possibilities here. – No idea on this one, closest I could think was a mini-game site. – As one of my first idea’s, a music/kareoke based game site. Also could take advantage of ‘DJ’ functions, say with an add on, or simulate a DJ by scratching with the Wiimote, or similar? – This one struck me as being too specific for a random grab by Nintendo to stop someone else claiming the domain. In a recent interview, this was a favorite as the WiFi service name. Also a possibility of a mini game, or some new super version of the popular classic. – How the Wii became what it is now (in the future that is). – Same as above, the biography for the console? – No idea, have Nintendo got an idea up their sleeve for actually making a console education friendly. Or what if this was a tutorial site on how to get the most out of your favorite console? – Obvious, probably an attempt to grab it before someone else does. Most Wii news would come from the official Nintendo/Wii site. Who knows. – Again an attempt to grab before someone else, or making way for a new line of Official Wii Magazine publications. – A collection of mini games. Or what if Nintendo had a marketing scheme to create a series of puzzles to learn more about the Wii, or gain prizes? – As I’ve commented a lot on so far, this isn’t officially named, yet there has been alot of rumour on it. Basically this is being favoured as the basis for Nintendo’s online service. Offering a series of features it would be accessed by all. Details include live game demo feeds, so as not to store on the console, a skype service as mentioned, gaming news, online multiplayer action similar to Xbox Live, and possibly a source for news and gaming information. One thing that has been suggested but seems unlikely, is the inclusion of a TV type channel, yet this would require a huge amount of logistics and a constant hunger for news and updates. – I am truly lost on this one – A possible name for the online service, I still rate Wii Channel as better. – Ideas for this one are too far fetched to note such as a series of animations dedicated to the Wii, possibly for marketing purposes. – A basis for tournaments and contests? Have you got what it takes? – I am lost on this one too. – A plan for spawning little Wii’s, I think not. Possibly a game site, such as Nintendogs. – A possible marketing site for ways the Wii can be used? – How to control your kids with a cheap console, or possibly, learn more on how the Wii could affect and educate your children. – No idea – As Wii School, have Nintendo found a way to educate children? – I liked this one, I think by taking advantage of the controller, the Wii could offer some way of getting kids to move out of their seat by taking part in useful and humouring exercises. – Education or teaching about the technology inside the Wii? – I ran amok with this one, I thought with the addition of a camera, kids could have fun by taking still pictures of themselves and glamorising and experimenting. A yet untested method of console use. – This would appeal to the older people out there. Possibly, by adding a feature of money and accounts into the Wii, say book keeping, the console can be used for much more than gaming. An attempt to get parents to rejoice over games, we’ll have to see.

All the following I have few idea’s for, yet I believe that they could most certainly be fan site possibilities:

Some really do seem far fetched, such as the history and biography options. However, you have to remember that these are all rumours. Got any ideas? Then let us know what you think in the comments.

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