The PSP Downgraders Game

The PSP Downgraders Game - Image 1 The PSP Downgraders Game - Image 2 The PSP Downgraders Game - Image 3 

The duo of Zora 182 and Usif have dropped by our forums to bring us a three-in-one package of homebrew goodness. The PSP Downgraders game actually is an arcade collection with Shoot out, Chase and the Demo for the SMBPSPlatformer. Now, this used to be exclusive to psp-downgrades members (hence the name of the brew), but thankfully, the philanthropic bug has bitten them and now it’s out for everyone to enjoy.

For the Shoot Out game, the goal is for you to shoot the smileys, which in turn will give you points. You have to beat the top score in order for your score to be saved on the memory stick. This one’s a bit tricky ’cause controlling the shooter with either the d-pad or the joystick seems to be no match to the speed of the smileys. And there’s a whole lot of them, mind you. Yeah, your thumb could definitely use some speed here.

The Chase game, meanwhile, is one wherein you try to downgrade your 3.03 PSP. The humor here is that there are two Sony bricks that is out to get you. If they catch up with you, you’re dead. As Zora 182 says, it will “brick your PSP.” And finally, the SMBPSPlatformer demo features level one of the game. You just have to avoid the evil boxes, cos if you land on it, game’s over for you.

Anyhow, there’s obviously much to be done still as this is only the first version of the game. But nonetheless, all’s looking tight and neat, so just hang in there and expect more updates as the mighty duo of Zora 182 and Usif adds more games into this in the future.

Download: The PSP Downgraders Game
Discuss: PSP Development Forum

The PSP Downgraders Game - Image 1 The PSP Downgraders Game - Image 2 The PSP Downgraders Game - Image 3 

The duo of Zora 182 and Usif have dropped by our forums to bring us a three-in-one package of homebrew goodness. The PSP Downgraders game actually is an arcade collection with Shoot out, Chase and the Demo for the SMBPSPlatformer. Now, this used to be exclusive to psp-downgrades members (hence the name of the brew), but thankfully, the philanthropic bug has bitten them and now it’s out for everyone to enjoy.

For the Shoot Out game, the goal is for you to shoot the smileys, which in turn will give you points. You have to beat the top score in order for your score to be saved on the memory stick. This one’s a bit tricky ’cause controlling the shooter with either the d-pad or the joystick seems to be no match to the speed of the smileys. And there’s a whole lot of them, mind you. Yeah, your thumb could definitely use some speed here.

The Chase game, meanwhile, is one wherein you try to downgrade your 3.03 PSP. The humor here is that there are two Sony bricks that is out to get you. If they catch up with you, you’re dead. As Zora 182 says, it will “brick your PSP.” And finally, the SMBPSPlatformer demo features level one of the game. You just have to avoid the evil boxes, cos if you land on it, game’s over for you.

Anyhow, there’s obviously much to be done still as this is only the first version of the game. But nonetheless, all’s looking tight and neat, so just hang in there and expect more updates as the mighty duo of Zora 182 and Usif adds more games into this in the future.

Download: The PSP Downgraders Game
Discuss: PSP Development Forum

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