The Wii from around the world

Wii around the world - Image 1 Wii around the world - Image 2 

The worldwide Wii marketing campaign has begun and we are beginning to see shots of Wii advertisements in gaming and electronics stores as well as on the internet. These advertisements from Australia and Quebec may not be as interesting as the Japanese public demo tours but they’re certainly nice to look at and compare. The first image is an Australian Wii pre-order advertisement in an electronics store sent in to GoNintendo by Jake. It certainly looks better than a number of Wii promotional posters that you see in North American stores which usually consist of a Wii image and the text “pre-order yours for $50”.

The image you can see to the right is a little more unconventional as it is a Wii advertisement from a Wal-mart flyer in Quebec. According to the flyer the Wii and the PS3 are coming this November, but unfortunately the flyer would not tell us something we didn’t already know and doesn’t reveal the price of a Wii in Quebec. It’s pretty interesting to see the Wii’s marketing across the globe because being in quite a large town myself I haven’t received one piece of mail or a flyer that even hints about the Wii or the PS3 releases in November.

Via Gonintendo

Wii around the world - Image 1 Wii around the world - Image 2 

The worldwide Wii marketing campaign has begun and we are beginning to see shots of Wii advertisements in gaming and electronics stores as well as on the internet. These advertisements from Australia and Quebec may not be as interesting as the Japanese public demo tours but they’re certainly nice to look at and compare. The first image is an Australian Wii pre-order advertisement in an electronics store sent in to GoNintendo by Jake. It certainly looks better than a number of Wii promotional posters that you see in North American stores which usually consist of a Wii image and the text “pre-order yours for $50”.

The image you can see to the right is a little more unconventional as it is a Wii advertisement from a Wal-mart flyer in Quebec. According to the flyer the Wii and the PS3 are coming this November, but unfortunately the flyer would not tell us something we didn’t already know and doesn’t reveal the price of a Wii in Quebec. It’s pretty interesting to see the Wii’s marketing across the globe because being in quite a large town myself I haven’t received one piece of mail or a flyer that even hints about the Wii or the PS3 releases in November.

Via Gonintendo

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