Theseis for PS3 Cancelled Because of Costly Development?

TheseisRumor has it that Track7 GamesTheseis for the PS3 would be cancelled. The apparent reason? The game is too costly to develop.

If backfence talks are to be believed, a representative apparently disclosed that Theseis for the PS3 is cancelled because of the high and still sky-rocketing price of development. For now, the game will only be released for the PC and Xbox 360.

According to Vicky Valanos, Track7 Managing Director, “If Sony were to offer us assistance in producing a PS3 version we would be more than happy to oblige”. In case you have no idea what the game is all about, it follows the adventures of two paranormal journalists, Andronicus and Pheve as they track a lead about a long-lost, almost forgotten, ancient artifact. They get caught in present-day Athens, Greece wherein a thin line separates reality from myth.

But for now, this Theseis cancellation issue is still pretty much a rumor…until an official and written statement about this comes out. What about you? Do you think this is a rumor or a real development? Do you find this tidbit good or bad news? Let us know through your comments.

Via PS3 Land

TheseisRumor has it that Track7 GamesTheseis for the PS3 would be cancelled. The apparent reason? The game is too costly to develop.

If backfence talks are to be believed, a representative apparently disclosed that Theseis for the PS3 is cancelled because of the high and still sky-rocketing price of development. For now, the game will only be released for the PC and Xbox 360.

According to Vicky Valanos, Track7 Managing Director, “If Sony were to offer us assistance in producing a PS3 version we would be more than happy to oblige”. In case you have no idea what the game is all about, it follows the adventures of two paranormal journalists, Andronicus and Pheve as they track a lead about a long-lost, almost forgotten, ancient artifact. They get caught in present-day Athens, Greece wherein a thin line separates reality from myth.

But for now, this Theseis cancellation issue is still pretty much a rumor…until an official and written statement about this comes out. What about you? Do you think this is a rumor or a real development? Do you find this tidbit good or bad news? Let us know through your comments.

Via PS3 Land

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