Three more Ninja Gaiden Sigma videos

Ninja Gaiden Sigma fans, gather around. We have three new videos featuring one Rachel mission and two Ryu missions.

The videos could probably be best described as brutal, you’ll see why in a bit. The first one shows Rachel doing what she does best – fiend hunting. After she disposes of them fiends, she finds out something about the beginnings of the fiends. Unfortunately, she finds out that the only way to save her sister (who was “awakened”) was to kill her.

The second video features Ryu walking on water. He battles mermaid-ish creatures and gets mangled by one of them (*insert Jaws theme here*). The last one is entitled “Burning Village”. As the name suggests, the village is burning though the baddies don’t seem in the least fazed by it. Ryu gets to the end of the level too late. Enter big bad boss with a very big and scary sword.

You might want to watch the videos so we’ll keep the rest to ourselves. Tecmo‘s Ninja Gaiden Sigma for the PlayStation 3 will be slashing it’s way to the shelves in July 3. In the meantime, enjoy the videos!

It’s not over yet! Click Full Article for the rest of the action-packed videos!

Ninja Gaiden Sigma fans, gather around. We have three new videos featuring one Rachel mission and two Ryu missions.

The videos could probably be best described as brutal, you’ll see why in a bit. The first one shows Rachel doing what she does best – fiend hunting. After she disposes of them fiends, she finds out something about the beginnings of the fiends. Unfortunately, she finds out that the only way to save her sister (who was “awakened”) was to kill her.

The second video features Ryu walking on water. He battles mermaid-ish creatures and gets mangled by one of them (*insert Jaws theme here*). The last one is entitled “Burning Village”. As the name suggests, the village is burning though the baddies don’t seem in the least fazed by it. Ryu gets to the end of the level too late. Enter big bad boss with a very big and scary sword.

You might want to watch the videos so we’ll keep the rest to ourselves. Tecmo‘s Ninja Gaiden Sigma for the PlayStation 3 will be slashing it’s way to the shelves in July 3. In the meantime, enjoy the videos!

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