Too Human Screenshots Galore

Utilizing the power of the Unreal Engine 3.0, Too Human will let gamers step into the shoes as the Cybernetic God Balder in the middle of a seemingly endless battle that threatens the existence of mankind. Balder is charged with defending mankind against the machine onslaught to destroy human life as we know it, so you’ll be faced with a continuous struggle with both melee and ranged attacks. Developed by people who worked on games like Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes and Eternally Darkness, Too Human will certainly turn some heads when it’s hopefully released later this year.

Utilizing the power of the Unreal Engine 3.0, Too Human will let gamers step into the shoes as the Cybernetic God Balder in the middle of a seemingly endless battle that threatens the existence of mankind. Balder is charged with defending mankind against the machine onslaught to destroy human life as we know it, so you’ll be faced with a continuous struggle with both melee and ranged attacks. Developed by people who worked on games like Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes and Eternally Darkness, Too Human will certainly turn some heads when it’s hopefully released later this year.

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