Top five PSP emulators
With the addition of a great homebrew community, the PSP is arguably one of the best handheld consoles ever produced. A lot of people would probably disagree with that statement, but before you go complaining through your comments, sit back for a minute and think about it. Sure, the PSP hasn’t got the greatest selection of UMD games around, but due to its hardware power, it can play games from many other retro consoles using emulators. The popularity of these emulators is unprecedented on any other portable console and you can see just how many emulators have been released for the PSP over at our QuickJump Download site in the PSP Emulators section.
With new revelations for PSP 2.71 users, more PSP users can now enjoy full use of these emulators, and for this reason we have compiled a list of the Top Five PSP emulators of all time, spanning a wealth of retro consoles.
Check out the top 5 emulators for PSP after the jump!
With the addition of a great homebrew community, the PSP is arguably one of the best handheld consoles ever produced. A lot of people would probably disagree with that statement, but before you go complaining through your comments, sit back for a minute and think about it. Sure, the PSP hasn’t got the greatest selection of UMD games around, but due to its hardware power, it can play games from many other retro consoles using emulators. The popularity of these emulators is unprecedented on any other portable console and you can see just how many emulators have been released for the PSP over at our QuickJump Download site in the PSP Emulators section.
With new revelations for PSP 2.71 users, more PSP users can now enjoy full use of these emulators, and for this reason we have compiled a list of the Top Five PSP emulators of all time, spanning a wealth of retro consoles. Check it out!
Number 5: We open up our top five PSP emulators list with an emulator close to every Japanese PSP gamers heart. The faithful NeoGeo emulators”>NJ is full of updates and one of his recent projects, the NEOGEO emulator for the PSP, reflects all of his hard work.
It may not have WiFi network play, or an incredibly fancy GUI, but NJ’s NEOGEO v0.2.2 has great ROM support and contains little or no bugs. As soon as a new bug is found, you can be sure to check back 10 minutes later and find a hot fix directly from NJ! Although the NEOGEO isn’t one of the most popular consoles around, this emulator deserves a spot in our Top 5 because of the quality emulator that it is.
Of course, this isn’t the only NEOGEO emulator for the PSP. You could try E’s famous E[mulator] or MikeDX’s MVSPSP (a compiled version of NJ’s latest NEOGEO source code) as an alternative to the mainstream NJ release, with our readers using different versions based on personal preference. You can find all th NEOGEO emulator download links below, so make sure you test them all out to find which one is best for you.
Download: [NEOGEO PSP v0.2.2]
Download: [e[Mulator] v0.82d]
Download: [MVPSP v1.0A]
Number 4: gpSP is the result of a lot of hard work by Exophase, and shows just what a real coder can do with a little elbow grease. It made number 2 in our top five downloads list just over a week ago and now it’s making a comeback in the top five PSP emulators. gpSP is undoubtedly the best GBA emulator released for the PSP with great compatibility and performance, as well as being highly popular – with the last release raking in over 500 jumps! There’s no mystery to why it got there either, with an amazing compatibility list, great speeds, and frequent updates. With yet more speed increases and updates on the way, there’s no reason why this great emulator won’t reach #1 spot someday!
Download: [gpSP v0.8]
Number 3: There was a time when a Nintendo 64 emulator for the PSP was just a dream. Then Monkey64 came out and brought the dream out into reality. This was soon followed by the application we have featured in our number 3 spot, which made the whole process of N64 emulation on the PSP a playable reality. Daedalus for the PSP was unlike Monkey64. It was a port of a PC emulator, providing a great platform for the developer, StrmnNrmn to work with; giving Daedalus for the PSP support for a huge list of Roms. It may not be finished yet, not running smoothly for most games, but with a progress coming your way little by little, this N64 emulator could turn out the be the best emulator for the PSP yet.
Download: [Daedalus R8]
Number 2: Coming in at number 2 comes the excellent NesterJ Nintendo NES emulator for the PSP. We haven’t heard from Ruka, the developer of NesterJ, for a while but it still undoubtedly remains the best NES emulator out there for use on your PSP. NesterJ runs at a great true-to-life speed, thanks to a 20% increase in the latest version; it is very easy to use according to our readers and support’s Ad-Hoc WiFi play so that you can give your mates a challenge at your favorite retro pastimes. This is why NesterJ gets the QJ
certificate of authentication with a place at number 5. No ROM gets way from this little gem without a fight.
Download: [NesterJ for PSP v1.20 Beta2]
Number 1
Coming in just ahead of the best Nintendo NES emulator for the PSP is the best SNES emulator. The Super Nintendo was the successor to the NES and comes out trumps in popularity stakes due to a better range of ROMs and a greater Graphics Processor Unit (GPU). I’m sure most of you know exactly which emulator will take the crown here, and that’s because it’s one of the most popular emulators ever.
Despite woes over the developers dropping development, SnesPSPTYL is still an amazing homebrew achievement, playing any Rom you can throw at it, as well as containing multiplayer support via 2-player Ad-Hoc mode so you can play against another PSP running the same ROM. If easy-to-use is your thing, just put the Roms in the correct folder, boot up SnesPSPTYL, and select which Rom to load. It really is that easy!
Super Nintendo games are by far some of the most playable games this century, and with customizable options in SnesPSPTYL such as CPU speed, music quality, frame rate skip and much more, you can play your retro games just how you want to without any limitations.
Download: [SnesPSP_TYL v0.4.2 Standard Version]
Download: [SnesPSP_TYL v0.4.2 ME Version] (Kernel Mode Required)
Download: [SnesPSP_TYL v0.4.2 Source Code]
That’s a wrap folks! Don’t forget to provide feedback on this article in the comments, making suggestions if you wish. Remember, you can find all of these emulators and many more in our Homebrew Emulators category. All we need now is a proper PS1 emulator!