Topmenu Generator v1.1 for PSP

Topmenu GeneratorYesterday uber0ne unleashed his Topmenu Generator on the PSP homebrew community. Topmenu Generator, in case you forgot already, generates topmenu_plugin with custom icons for the xmb. This app does not help with the flashing process of the topmenu_plugin and requires another application such as filer or Xflash.

Topmenu Generator also requires Microsoft Framework 2.0.

Topmenu Generator v1.1 has the following changelog:

  • Fixed some bugs
  • Added some file checks which should minimize crashing

Download: [Topmenu Generator v1.1]
Download: [Microsoft Framework 2.0]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]

Topmenu GeneratorYesterday uber0ne unleashed his Topmenu Generator on the PSP homebrew community. Topmenu Generator, in case you forgot already, generates topmenu_plugin with custom icons for the xmb. This app does not help with the flashing process of the topmenu_plugin and requires another application such as filer or Xflash.

Topmenu Generator also requires Microsoft Framework 2.0.

Topmenu Generator v1.1 has the following changelog:

  • Fixed some bugs
  • Added some file checks which should minimize crashing

Download: [Topmenu Generator v1.1]
Download: [Microsoft Framework 2.0]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]

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