Toy Story 3: The Video Game – first 15 minutes gameplay video

toy-story-3-postergIf you missed Toy Story 3 in the movies like I did, you need not wait for too long to see what’s all the fuss about and what exactly did you miss. Granted, this is a video not of the movie but of Toy Story 3: The Video Game, it’s still better than nothing.





If you missed Toy Story 3 in the movies like I did, you need not wait for too long to see what’s all the fuss about and what exactly did you miss. Granted, this is a video not of the movie but of Toy Story 3: The Video Game, it’s still better than nothing.





GIt’s the first 15 minutes of the game, so hopefully it should be gauge enough for you to find out if it’s worth checking out. I’ve been hearing the movie was a great ending to the franchise we grew up with (well, most of us), so here’s hoping that it’s video game version won’t disappoint.











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