TR screenshot of the week: Brann architecture on Arieki

This week’s Tabula Rasa screenshot features an AFS soldier standing outside the Irendas Penal Colony. This prison structure is a Brann outpost found on the planet Arieki.

The soldier is shown dramatically looking off into the distance, his hands (and curiously enough, his inner thigh area) emitting a green glow. He’s probably thinking about how badly he needs to grab a smoke or something. Or maybe he’s posing for the camera.

Check out the screenshot of the the week below. NCSoft‘s Tabula Rasa is slated for release later this year.

TR screenshot of the week: Brann architecture on Arieki - Image 1

Via PlayTR

This week’s Tabula Rasa screenshot features an AFS soldier standing outside the Irendas Penal Colony. This prison structure is a Brann outpost found on the planet Arieki.

The soldier is shown dramatically looking off into the distance, his hands (and curiously enough, his inner thigh area) emitting a green glow. He’s probably thinking about how badly he needs to grab a smoke or something. Or maybe he’s posing for the camera.

Check out the screenshot of the the week below. NCSoft‘s Tabula Rasa is slated for release later this year.

TR screenshot of the week: Brann architecture on Arieki - Image 1

Via PlayTR

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