Trophy patch for Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune heads to Asia

Uncharted finally gets trophy patch in Asia - Image 1Here’s some good news for all our PS3-owning readers in Asia. If you picked up a copy of Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune and were wondering when trophy support would become available for the game, wonder no more. A Trophy patch for the game is now available for download. Learn more after the jump!

Uncharted gets trophies in Asia - Image 1Here’s some good news for all our PS3-owning readers in Asia. If you picked up a copy of Naughty Dog‘s Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune and were wondering when trophy support would become available for the game, wonder no more. A Trophy patch for the game is now available for download.

According to the comments in our source article, the patch does have some caveats to it. It seems that due to this patch, you can only use English as the spoken language for the game and Chinese, English, or Korean for the text language. Furthermore, the game apparently deletes your save files, so you may have to start a new game to get the trophies.

In any event, if you’re itching to get some trophies, feel free to download the patch and go for the platinum! Enjoy!

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Via PS3 Fanboy

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