TV ad: convenience store saved by TimeShift

Here’s the latest advertisement video for Sierra Entertainment‘s TimeShift. The title will be released this coming October 30 on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC platforms. Owners of Microsoft‘s console is currently enjoying a brief advantage over the other builds as a demo was recently available over at Xbox Live.

Anyway, TimeShift is not your typical FPS as the developers added another dimension to the game. Like its name suggests, players has the option to manipulate the time by slowing it down, stopping, or even rewinding it to go back to the past and correct past mistakes. If used wisely, this power will really work to your advantage.

This particular video clip features a robbery in a convenience store. Watch carefully how the time-bending elements in TimeShift were used in this commercial. It will be useful to you when you finally get your hands on the game, though we wish we could use it in the real world as well. Enjoy!

Here’s the latest advertisement video for Sierra Entertainment‘s TimeShift. The title will be released this coming October 30 on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC platforms. Owners of Microsoft‘s console is currently enjoying a brief advantage over the other builds as a demo was recently available over at Xbox Live.

Anyway, TimeShift is not your typical FPS as the developers added another dimension to the game. Like its name suggests, players has the option to manipulate the time by slowing it down, stopping, or even rewinding it to go back to the past and correct past mistakes. If used wisely, this power will really work to your advantage.

This particular video clip features a robbery in a convenience store. Watch carefully how the time-bending elements in TimeShift were used in this commercial. It will be useful to you when you finally get your hands on the game, though we wish we could use it in the real world as well. Enjoy!

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