Ubisoft not sure what causes Assassin’s Creed to crash

Assassin's Creed - Image 1Ubisoft is still hard at work to make a patch for Assassin’s Creed (Microsoft Xbox 360, Sony PlayStation 3) and make the game bug-free, but it looks like we won’t be seeing results anytime soon. Senior PR manager Michael Beadle says the company is still trying to figure out what causes Assassin’s Creed to crash.

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Assassin's Creed - Image 1Since its release, Ubisoft Montreal’s Assassin’s Creed (Microsoft Xbox 360, Sony PlayStation 3) revealed plenty of bugs and glitches. With countless gamers sending their complaints online, developers promised to release a patch that will make the game more stable. We’re not exactly sure when the update will go live, and according to a certain website that got a chance to talk to Ubisoft, it’s because the company is still uncertain about what causes the game to crash.

Ubisoft senior public relations manager Michael Beadle told Popular Mechanics that the devs behind Assassin’s Creed still don’t know what’s causing the glitches. The company saw a drop in complaints after gamers realized turning the PlayStation Network‘s auto-login feature made crashes less frequent on the PlayStation 3, but the quick fix is apparently not enough to make everyone happy.

Fortunately, Beadle reassures that Ubisoft is working on the patch using feedback from gamers and blogs. One community manager at the Assassin’s Creed forums did mention an update for the game’s Sony PS3 version being in the works, and we can see the same for the Xbox 360. Just keep those fingers crossed!

Buy: [ Assassin’s Creed (Xbox 360) ]
Buy: [ Assassin’s Creed (PS3) ]

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