Ultimate Portal v6.0 for the PSP
PSP owners who enjoy using PSP portals will be happy to know that Ultimate Portal v6.0 has now been released. This PSP homebrew was created by biscottealacrevette and sports some pretty nifty functions users may appreciate.
Want to know more about the application? Head on over to the full article for the full details.
Download: Ultimate Portal v6.0
PSP owners who enjoy using PSP portals will be happy to know that Ultimate Portal v6.0 has now been released. This PSP homebrew was created by biscottealacrevette and sports some pretty nifty functions users may appreciate.
The Ultimate Portal allows players to listen to the radio, check the weather, as well as access applications on the PSP. In addition, it also has support for MSN Messenger and gives players easy access to various mail servers such as Hotmail or Gmail. Here are the other features that this portal has as taken from the developer’s post:
- you can see all the tips for the PSP games
- you can search with google wikipedia daylimotion etc…
- 12 flash games
- you can use MSN messenger mobile or ebuddy or aim or gtalk etc…
- you can download directly 36 homebrew and demo without any PC
- you can see YOUR favorit and the portal’s favorit
- you can go dirctly to your mailbox : hotmail Gmail … (mobil version)
- you can chat (frenchy)
- YOU CAN DOWNLOAD more than 160 skin
Users who need the aforementioned features on their PSP should download the application and try it out. If you want to leave the developer any feedback, head on to our QJ.NET Development Forums through the link below.
Download: Ultimate Portal v6.0
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development Forums