UMD Identifier v0.2
Harleyg from our forums has updated his homebrew application for the PSP, UMD Identifier to version 0.2. This application can identify your UMD by the code on the disc. The developer has crammed around 250 codes/games with different region info into this. When you run the application, the UMD code and the name will be displayed, along with the background image of the game displayed (pic1.png).
Here’s the changelog:
- Faster
- Less buggy
- No background, just simple text
- External file for UMD codes and names
Harleyg is going to update the ‘umds.txt’ file (that contains the codes for the UMD’s) every few weeks or so. If you find a UMD that this program doesn’t recognise, copy the game ID, game name and region and post them in the “umd code” thread in the QJ forums.
Download: [UMD Identifier v0.2]
Harleyg from our forums has updated his homebrew application for the PSP, UMD Identifier to version 0.2. This application can identify your UMD by the code on the disc. The developer has crammed around 250 codes/games with different region info into this. When you run the application, the UMD code and the name will be displayed, along with the background image of the game displayed (pic1.png).
Here’s the changelog:
- Faster
- Less buggy
- No background, just simple text
- External file for UMD codes and names
Harleyg is going to update the ‘umds.txt’ file (that contains the codes for the UMD’s) every few weeks or so. If you find a UMD that this program doesn’t recognise, copy the game ID, game name and region and post them in the “umd code” thread in the QJ forums.
Download: [UMD Identifier v0.2]