Unbound Saga’s Rick Ajax walks away from comic book story

Unbound Saga - Image 1 Mike Kennedy, Senior Producer at Vogster Entertainment, took to the PlayStation Blog to formally introduce their comic book brawler for the PSP, Unbound Saga. It’s time to get to know the game’s lead character, Rick Ajax.

Mike Kennedy, Senior Producer at Vogster Entertainment, took to the PlayStation Blog to formally introduce their comic book brawler for the PSP, Unbound Saga. It’s time to get to know the game’s lead character, Rick Ajax.

Rick is “a surly comic book tough guy trapped in a world of endless trouble,” so Kennedy described. The interesting thing about Rick Ajax is that he is fully aware that he is a comic book character. And as with anyone who keeps on doing the same darned thing every single day, or in his case, dealing with the same plotlines for 30 long years, he’s had enough and wants out. Interesting, huh?

That’s where you come in. You will be taking Rick along an epic adventure in his quest to escape from the pages of the comic book and meet The Maker, he who is responsible for all Rick’s “daily misadventures.” Rings quite a lot like The Truman Show, yes? Only here, our guy is really all about kicking ass.

Unbound Saga - Image 1  

Kennedy further explained that hey decided to make it into a brawler because they don’t feel there’s enough of them brawlers nowadays. So yes, it’s more of a nod to nostalgia. He does promised, though that although they aimed for the old skool, they added in “many layers of extra awesomeness.”

While sticking to an accessible arcade-style control scheme and the fixed left-right perspective, everything has been ramped up with the latest technology: sharp 3D graphics, real-time physics and ragdoll reactions, real-time lighting FX, etc. The gameplay itself has been given some extra strategic depth with the ability to switch between the two main playable characters, either Rick and Lori Machete, on the fly. Each of them has a completely different fighting style, with individual abilities that can complement the other character when things get sticky.

Unbound Saga - Image 1 

Oh, by the way, Lori would be your “leading lady”, so to speak. Don’t mess with her, she’s got ninja tricks up her sleeves (as in smoke bombs and gas grenades!). Other info on Unbound Saga reveal that you can upgrade both characters via their individual skill trees, which allow you to tailor your characters with more of those unlockable powers and moves.

I don’t know about you, but am definitely liking how this game sounds.

Related Unbound Saga Article:

Via PlayStation Blog US

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