Uncharted 2 is not a stealth game, clarifies director

Dev: Uncharted 2 'not a stealth game' - Image 1The recent reveal that  Uncharted 2 will have “stealth” elements had a lot of gamers scratching their heads.Buh? Uncharted 2 is going to be a stealth game?”

Stop scratching. It’s not, according to the game’s director.

Dev: Uncharted 2 'not a stealth game' - Image 1

The recent reveal that Uncharted 2 will have “stealth” elements had a lot of gamers scratching their heads.Buh? Uncharted 2 is going to be a stealth game?”

Stop scratching. It’s not, according to the game’s director. Nathan Drake’s not Solid Snake. He’s not suddenly going to don a skin tight spy suit and start slinking around (sorry ladies, and gents who swing that way). Although… I would like to see Nathan hide under a cardboard box. Says director Bruce Straley:

Action-stealth is meant to simply flesh out our enemy AI – we’re not suddenly creating a stealth game as we’ve seen misinterpreted.

We don’t want to introduce the frustration of being forced to move at the game’s (presumably slower) pace by replaying and replaying a set-up due to failing a stealth-heavy situation.

We feel that providing the option of action-stealth improves upon the pacing by allowing the player the choice to get more invested in the set-ups and get to know more about the environments than a straight gunfight would allow. It also allows us to embed more narrative and story into the game play.

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