Under Dii-velopment

Dii in ProgressYou may hate the pun-ny name, but you can’t ignore the genius of the app being built.

On the Licklick blog, the programmer has begun work on what he is calling the Dii, or DS Intelligent Interface. The Dii is meant to be a PC-based server for the DS to make the lives of many homebrewers, and a lot of savvy gamers, easier. He’s planning to put a lot of functionality into his finished work, but for now, he says, ” what is important, is the Send File function of the PC server.” Instead of having to take your MiniSD card in and out of the system to test your homebrew apps, you can use the function to transfer directly from PC to DS.

He’s also using a C#.NET 2.0 server for his app, which is supposed to give him a much better-looking interface. For now, though, the intrepid programmer is looking for comments and support. Perhaps our faithful readers with programming experience can give him some helpful hints and advice, so everyone can share in the success of another well-made homebrew product.

Dii in ProgressYou may hate the pun-ny name, but you can’t ignore the genius of the app being built.

On the Licklick blog, the programmer has begun work on what he is calling the Dii, or DS Intelligent Interface. The Dii is meant to be a PC-based server for the DS to make the lives of many homebrewers, and a lot of savvy gamers, easier. He’s planning to put a lot of functionality into his finished work, but for now, he says, ” what is important, is the Send File function of the PC server.” Instead of having to take your MiniSD card in and out of the system to test your homebrew apps, you can use the function to transfer directly from PC to DS.

He’s also using a C#.NET 2.0 server for his app, which is supposed to give him a much better-looking interface. For now, though, the intrepid programmer is looking for comments and support. Perhaps our faithful readers with programming experience can give him some helpful hints and advice, so everyone can share in the success of another well-made homebrew product.

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