Unofficial RIN v11b2 01 Update

The Unoffical version of RIN (Gameboy Emulator) was updated to v11b2 01

It has a few extra features than the one earlier today, you can turn sound on or off in the menu, sound is pretty good but does slow down gameplay even on the smallest screen size. It has the key config feature and the save state and load state. It doesn’t have the custom background feature which is a bit annoying. Not bad but nothing big different, just more menu options which is never a bad thing. Custom menu’s and it would be spot on.

You can download it here.

Thanks to PSPWiki for the file and Daley for the news and description.

The Unoffical version of RIN (Gameboy Emulator) was updated to v11b2 01

It has a few extra features than the one earlier today, you can turn sound on or off in the menu, sound is pretty good but does slow down gameplay even on the smallest screen size. It has the key config feature and the save state and load state. It doesn’t have the custom background feature which is a bit annoying. Not bad but nothing big different, just more menu options which is never a bad thing. Custom menu’s and it would be spot on.

You can download it here.

Thanks to PSPWiki for the file and Daley for the news and description.

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