Valve hates “sh*tty party games”
Valve is sick of party games. Well, company writer Chet Faliszek in particular, who recently made his thoughts known to gaming news site CVG.
Valve is sick of party games. Well, company writer Chet Faliszek in particular, who recently made his thoughts known to gaming news site CVG.
“Hopefully we’ve gotten past the point of mini-games,” he said. “I’m sick of that [makes arm movement]. That’s not a game for me anymore. Let’s get some real interaction going.”
“We have these technologies now that let us interact in different, really exciting ways. It’s developers’ jobs to do something with it. Impress me. Don’t just make sh*tty games I wouldn’t want to play if I had to use a joystick,” the writer added.
That’s not to say Valve is against the thought of motion control. They just think it should be used for something more. Faliszek describes Natal, for instance, as “really cool”. He furthered that it could be incorporated into future Left 4 Dead games, but don’t expect it to show us in some “tiresome” mini-game.
Via [CVG]