Vanguard tutorial: How to get your level 45 swamp armor

Vanguard tutorial: How to get your level 45 swamp armor - Image 1For many a player at SOE‘s Vanguard MMORPG, the next thing to do come level 45 is to beef up your arsenal with the highly coveted swamp armor sets. Wondering what sort of perks and requisites your potential new war wear has? Visit the full article and find out!

Vanguard tutorial: How to get your level 45 swamp armor - Image 1There’s lot to do when you hit level 45 over at Sony Online Entertainment’s Vangaurd: Saga of Heroes MMORPG. And one of them is making sure your gear is up to par with your grizzled abilities. If you’re especially adventurous, that means embarking on the MMO’s swamp armor quest.

Vanguard‘s got three of these sets arranged for players, each with differing attributes that are ideal for a specific playing sytles:

  • Gorgalok Armor: This set is focused on offensive statistics like +damage, and +critical chance.  This set requires killing in Ichtakhta.
  • Ichtakhta Armor: This set is focused on defensive statistics like +mitigation,  and +absorption.  This set requires killing in Flordiel.
  • Flordiel Armor: This set is a balanced set, mixing statistics. This set requires killing Gorgolaks in Vsurog Moor.

Wondering where you can get this new gear? The Vanguard site has updated their database with a comprehensive guide, which will help you through the steps you’ll need to take to acquire any of the three sets we mentioned above.

Since those sets are separated by factions, you may want to do some pre-planning. Acquiring one set may antagonize you with the other opposing factions, and while getting all three is possible, it’s not easy. You will also want to have 2000 faction with your chosen city to complete your quest. The full tutorial awaits over in the source link.

Via Vangaurd at Ten Ton Hammer

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