VC Australia news: OFLC rates Ninja Combat, Burning Fight, Art of Fighting 2

Burning Fight pictured here - Image 1Our Australian Wii readers out there will be pleased to know that we’ve found three potential additions to the Wii’s roster of Australian virtual console games. These three games just happen to be Ninja Combat, Art of Fighting 2, and Burning Fight. Learn more about these games after the jump!

Burning Fight gets rated by OFLC - Image 1It looks like the Australian Virtual Console service is about to get an infusion of action games.

We recently learned that three new games have been rated by the Office of Film and Literature Classification (OFLC): Ninja Combat, Art of Fighting 2, and Burning Fight.

Ninja Combat and Burning Fight were both rated PG for mild violence, whereas Art of Fighting 2 was rated M for moderate violence.

What’s kind of telling, at least in Virtual Console terms, about the ratings for each is that they all name Nintendo as the publisher of the games. This leads us to believe that Nintendo is at work on bringing these games to the VC.

In any case, expect us to bring you more news on these games once we have word of an actual release date. You may want to refresh your memory in the meantime by doing a search on these classic games.


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