Videos: Wild Arms XF opening cinematic, gameplay battles

Videos: Wild Arms XF opening cinematic, gameplay details - Image 1If you still need a bit of convincing on whether or not to grab a copy of the recently recently Wild ARMs XF, hopefully the three videos we have could provide what you need. We’re sure you guys won’t mind catching a glimpse of it. Catch the videos after the jump!

It’s been four day since XSEED Game’s Wild ARMs XF has been released for the PlayStation Portable. And if you guys still are unsure on what course of action you’d be taking upon the game, the three videos we have for you could probably help you guys finally decide.

The three videos featured in this article show the opening cinematic of the game and two gameplay battle videos. The opening cinematic is enough to whet your appetites while the two combat videos will surely fill you up.

So if you’re itching to see more of Cecilia, Rupert, and Felius don’t hesitate to watch the videos below. Don’t forget that even if the game’s been already released, we won’t stop providing you guys with news and updates.




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