Wada: FFXIII on Xbox 360 “was not a hard decision to make”

ff13With the release of Final Fantasy XIII in the US, it marked the first time that the series landed on a non-PlayStation console since disc-based games came along. There have been loads of theories all over the web as to why and how that happened, but here’s Yoichi Wada’s side of the story.



ff13_360boxWith the release of Final Fantasy XIII in the US, it marked the first time that the series landed on a non-PlayStation console since disc-based games came along. There have been loads of theories all over the web as to why and how that happened, but here’s Yoichi Wada’s side of the story.


Well, just a tiny bit of it.


“The Xbox team has been asking us to have a [Final Fantasy] game developed on our platform,” the Square Enix CEO told Siliconera. “Also, the Xbox 360 console is available in many homes in US and European markets so that was not really a hard decision to make.”


Square Enix had been working with Microsoft since Final Fantasy XI, and the third party publisher had been releasing a number of games for the Xbox 360 since then, with XIII being the latest. It appears now, however, that the 360’s run with Final Fantasy will not be making a streak, seeing as both Versus XIII and Final Fantasy XIV will not be available for the platform.






[via Siliconera]


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