Warhammer Online in focus: screenshots, artwork of Saphery region
The Age of Reckoning is upon us! With the slow march of the Dark Elf army making its way to Ulthuan, EA Mythic has released some new screenshots featuring the targeted High Elven region of Saphery. Check out the beautiful screenshots of the highly contested zone in Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning by clicking on the “read more” link below.
The Throne of Ulthuan is the prime target of the Dark Elf army for many good reasons. The driving force behind this invasion is the vast amount of magical artifacts and items of power found in the High Elven kingdom. Should Malekith get his hands on even a fraction of this power, this may spell the downfall of the High Elf nation.
In today’s update for EA Mythic‘s Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning, we take a look at one of the most mysterious and enchanting of Ulthuan’s kingdoms, the region of Saphery. We were able to grab several screenshots showing off the different sights and inhabitants of the High Elven zone.
With the invasion of Saphery assaulting the region from all sides, it will take all the cunning of the High Elves to fight off the combined forces of evil. You can take a look at some of the beautiful screenshots and artwork made for Saphery by clicking on the thumbnails found below.