Warhawk beta video

We have here a new video on Incognito Entertainment‘s ongoing beta for Warhawk. We’re sure a lot of you are excited to see what’s been happening over there, in case you weren’t able to sign up. Well now’s your chance to catch up on what you’ve been missing.

So far, it’s looking cool, although it’s quite odd the way nobody else seems to be around in the arena. Well, obviously your enemies are hidden, and this looks like a single player mode. Anyhow, the aircrafts are definitely looking crafty, and it might be best to buckle up cause it’s definitely a long way to go down.

Oh, you want to go see it for yourself? Alright, we’ll scoot ourselves aside now and let you enjoy the video.

We have here a new video on Incognito Entertainment‘s ongoing beta for Warhawk. We’re sure a lot of you are excited to see what’s been happening over there, in case you weren’t able to sign up. Well now’s your chance to catch up on what you’ve been missing.

So far, it’s looking cool, although it’s quite odd the way nobody else seems to be around in the arena. Well, obviously your enemies are hidden, and this looks like a single player mode. Anyhow, the aircrafts are definitely looking crafty, and it might be best to buckle up cause it’s definitely a long way to go down.

Oh, you want to go see it for yourself? Alright, we’ll scoot ourselves aside now and let you enjoy the video.

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