Warhawk to land on Home’s war room?

Warhawk - Image 1Rumors always strike Home, though many of them are still without merit. However, there are juicy stuff such as this one about Warhawk‘s Home integration that we simply can’t ignore. Supposedly, Incognito Entertainment‘s online offering will take shelter in Sony’s PlayStation Home for planning before entering the fray. Make your way to the full article to learn what we’re talking about.

Warhawk - Image 1Considering how much effort and attention Sony is putting into PlayStation Home, it won’t come as a surprise if the online hub will also be integrated with games for the PlayStation 3 in the most novel ways. Just now, word is being passed around about how Incognito Entertainment‘s online shooter Warhawk is going to use Home.

Kotaku is claiming that its sources say the Home lobby will serve as a “war room” for Warhawk where up to eight players can talk about their next battle. An appropriately scaled 3D replica of the next map in the playlist called the “sand table” has avatars of soldiers that can be moved so players will be able to envision the field.

After war talks in the war room, it’s possible to jump into Warhawk from Home. Unfortunately, there’s no mention of bringing Home-made avatars to the game and the sand table isn’t known to support models of tanks, planes, and other vehicles for better visualization of what can be in battle. Sony also haven’t made any actual confirmations so we’ll tag this under rumor, though you can watch this space for updates since we’re all ears.

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