Warren Ellis, Internet Jesus, to write weekly SL column for Reuters


Writer Warren Ellis, author of comic books, graphic novels, and amazing drug-induced glimpses of the future is set to bring his “Second Life Sketches” to the Reuters Second Life News Center as a weekly column beginning January 9 next year.

Ellis has this to say about the virtual world that is Second Life:

Second Life is not only the biggest digital art installation in the world, but potentially the most radical shift yet in the way communities are formed online, and possibly also the germ of the next great operating system. ItÂ’s not only a place where people get as strange as they can, but an incubator for the future. As a writer who deals with both the strangeness of people and the state of the future, Second Life is like a lab for me

If you aren’t familiar with Ellis’ works and you want to get an idea of how he writes, keep in mind that he’s mostly famous for his work “Transmetropolitan,” a futuristic tale focusing on protagonist/antagonist Spider Jerusalem, and his quest to tell the world the TRUTH through gonzo journalism. Transmetropolitan is a future that is infested with nicotine-addicted three-headed cats, and multi-media-playing penile implants – pretty much an environment that is similar to SL.

Ellis’ home in Second Life can be found at Integral bay. Do with that bit of information as you wish.

Via WarrenEllis.com


Writer Warren Ellis, author of comic books, graphic novels, and amazing drug-induced glimpses of the future is set to bring his “Second Life Sketches” to the Reuters Second Life News Center as a weekly column beginning January 9 next year.

Ellis has this to say about the virtual world that is Second Life:

Second Life is not only the biggest digital art installation in the world, but potentially the most radical shift yet in the way communities are formed online, and possibly also the germ of the next great operating system. ItÂ’s not only a place where people get as strange as they can, but an incubator for the future. As a writer who deals with both the strangeness of people and the state of the future, Second Life is like a lab for me

If you aren’t familiar with Ellis’ works and you want to get an idea of how he writes, keep in mind that he’s mostly famous for his work “Transmetropolitan,” a futuristic tale focusing on protagonist/antagonist Spider Jerusalem, and his quest to tell the world the TRUTH through gonzo journalism. Transmetropolitan is a future that is infested with nicotine-addicted three-headed cats, and multi-media-playing penile implants – pretty much an environment that is similar to SL.

Ellis’ home in Second Life can be found at Integral bay. Do with that bit of information as you wish.

Via WarrenEllis.com

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