What’s Your PSP Firmware? We Ask Because “Sony Wants to Know”

If you head over to Sony‘s official playstation forums, you’ll find the poll towards the top of the page asking what your firmware is.

What's your version?

This has got some people wondering.

  • One popular question: “Is this poll a sign that Sony wants to know our versions?” One popular answer to that question: “Yes! Sony wants to know how many homebrew users there are so they can add better homebrew support to boost falling sales.” That’s a creative answer, and it might be true, but we’re not entirely sure if that’s likely.
  • Another opinion: Sony doesn’t want to know. The poll was probably started by some moderator or somebody else.

Regardless of what the motives for the poll might be, we were curious about the results: 67% use version 2.80 while 14% use versions 1.00 to 1.50.

Wait! Before you faint over those results, remember, they are based on those who answered that poll at the official site. It’s not like it’s a poll of QJ readers. After all, things are different over here at QJ. A lot of you are homebrew fans. Some of you have DevHook. So we’re wondering…

What’s your firmware version?

Feel free to click on “comments” below and share with us what your version is and any thoughts you have on it. Both gamers and homebrew developers form the core of our QJ community, and maybe it’s time to know which version is most popular (who knows, Sony might really want to know).

Here’s what we saw when we headed over to see the results:

The results!

If you head over to Sony‘s official playstation forums, you’ll find the poll towards the top of the page asking what your firmware is.

What's your version?

This has got some people wondering.

  • One popular question: “Is this poll a sign that Sony wants to know our versions?” One popular answer to that question: “Yes! Sony wants to know how many homebrew users there are so they can add better homebrew support to boost falling sales.” That’s a creative answer, and it might be true, but we’re not entirely sure if that’s likely.
  • Another opinion: Sony doesn’t want to know. The poll was probably started by some moderator or somebody else.

Regardless of what the motives for the poll might be, we were curious about the results: 67% use version 2.80 while 14% use versions 1.00 to 1.50.

Wait! Before you faint over those results, remember, they are based on those who answered that poll at the official site. It’s not like it’s a poll of QJ readers. After all, things are different over here at QJ. A lot of you are homebrew fans. Some of you have DevHook. So we’re wondering…

What’s your firmware version?

Feel free to click on “comments” below and share with us what your version is and any thoughts you have on it. Both gamers and homebrew developers form the core of our QJ community, and maybe it’s time to know which version is most popular (who knows, Sony might really want to know).

Here’s what we saw when we headed over to see the results:

The results!

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