When hunger strike in-game – pizza delivery via PS3

Papa John's - Image 1Every gamer must’ve experienced this at least once – you’re playing a game, you’re so into it that you don’t notice you’re hungry, that is until you save, giving you a few seconds to realize that you are. Well, thanks to Papa John’s and Sony‘s little tie-up, you won’t have to move an inch. You won’t even have to let go of your controller. You can order pizza right on your PS3.

Papa John's - Image 1 Every gamer must’ve experienced this at least once – you’re playing a game, you’re so into it that you don’t notice you’re hungry, that is until you save, giving you a few seconds to realize that you are. Well, thanks to Papa John’s and Sony‘s little tie-up, you won’t have to move an inch. You won’t even have to let go of your controller. You can order pizza right on your PS3.

The plus side: 1) it’s pizza, 2) via PS3, 3) it’s pizza. The thing is, the service simply opens the Papa John’s homepage on your system browser. They could have added a direct link or an order form you can submit on that What’s New item of theirs, or directly unto the XMB. While the concept is very intriguing, I’m afraid they didn’t take it as far as they could’ve, which is sad since gaming and pizza are involved.

Pizza for us, porn for Japan:

Via Kotaku

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