White Dualshock 3 spotted in Wal-Mart, Sony denies

PS3 White DualShock - Image 1Here’s another one of those things that Sony says does not exist when in fact it does, and with pictures to prove it clear as daylight in the middle of summer — or in this case, as white as the fleece on Mary’s lamb. Or as white as a white DualShock 3 controller can get. Enough with with the similes. A white DualShock 3 controller has been spotted — nay, bought at a Wal-Mart branch in Florida, and was subsequently denied by Sony.

Here’s another one of those things that Sony says does not exist when in fact it does, and with pictures to prove it clear as daylight in the middle of summer — or in this case, as white as the fleece on Mary’s lamb. Or as white as a white DualShock 3 controller can get. Enough with with the similes. A white DualShock 3 controller has been spotted — nay, bought at a Wal-Mart branch in Florida, and was subsequently denied by Sony.

DualShock 3 White - Image 1
Sony: So not real. That’s just photoshop, y’all.

What the fudge, right? The white controller has been painting the towns — er — white in Japan for a while now, and if you’ll remember, GameStop has just confirmed that it will be the official retailer for the Silver one.

But what of the white one? Why the denial? A Sony rep told Joystiq that, “We have no plans to release a White Dualshock 3.” ORLY.

The pictured box above is described by the buyer to be the only one left in the store when he picked it up, and even has a bilingual English/ French on both the front and back sides.

I reckon this was supposed to have its coming-out party at the E3, but somebody probably missed the memo, or is color blind and stacked the white one out in the store shelves instead of the regular black one.

Either way, if you spot one on your local retail shop by some magical twist of fate, do take a snapshot and send it in.

Via Joystiq

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