Who Let The Dogs Out (On an Island)?

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In the previous article, we all got a screenshot with tons of speculations on how this Dog Island will go. Inspired by the Japanese “The Dog” calendars, this game has brought these large nosed puppies to life. The “Dog Calendars” are known for featuring puppies with emphasized faces and noses, making them undeniably cute. Of course, it’s just a camera trick. But it’s practically the best camera trick yet, as it has spawned tons of merchandise, a fan club, and even their own line of stuffed toys. Now, Nintendo is cashing on these cute little dogs to swoon our hearts once more.


If you expect this game to be a little like Nintendogs, well, just get a DS and play Nintendogs there as this is not like those pet rearing games. In fact, the game is an adventure wherein you play a dog whose brother got sick and you need to find a legendary flower at the Dog Island. Yes, the story is like Balko and friends all over again, but this time with a much cuter packaging and 3D game render.

We hear that there will also be dog fights, long walks, and some nap time involved. The concept of the game is quite interesting, although at the moment we’re at a loss on how this game will make use of the wiimote. Oh well, with cute doggie faces that could make you squee for eternity, who has time to think about the wiimoteÂ’s capability?

Via Famitsu

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In the previous article, we all got a screenshot with tons of speculations on how this Dog Island will go. Inspired by the Japanese “The Dog” calendars, this game has brought these large nosed puppies to life. The “Dog Calendars” are known for featuring puppies with emphasized faces and noses, making them undeniably cute. Of course, it’s just a camera trick. But it’s practically the best camera trick yet, as it has spawned tons of merchandise, a fan club, and even their own line of stuffed toys. Now, Nintendo is cashing on these cute little dogs to swoon our hearts once more.


If you expect this game to be a little like Nintendogs, well, just get a DS and play Nintendogs there as this is not like those pet rearing games. In fact, the game is an adventure wherein you play a dog whose brother got sick and you need to find a legendary flower at the Dog Island. Yes, the story is like Balko and friends all over again, but this time with a much cuter packaging and 3D game render.

We hear that there will also be dog fights, long walks, and some nap time involved. The concept of the game is quite interesting, although at the moment we’re at a loss on how this game will make use of the wiimote. Oh well, with cute doggie faces that could make you squee for eternity, who has time to think about the wiimoteÂ’s capability?

Via Famitsu

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