Wii helps soldier expose marital unfaithfulness of wife

On how to catch a cheating spouse - Image 1A soldier (reader Tony of GoNintendo), back from his tour of duty in Iraq, came home to discover evidence of his wife’s marital unfaithfulness-all thanks to warnings from his family and friends, and some detective work involving a Mii he hadn’t created on his Nintendo Wii’s Mii Channel.

Find out exactly how Tony did it after the jump!

How to catch a cheating partner with your Wii - Image 1A soldier (reader Tony of GoNintendo), back from his tour of duty in Iraq, came home to discover evidence of his wife’s marital unfaithfulness-all thanks to warnings from his family and friends, and some detective work involving a Mii he hadn’t created on his Nintendo Wii’s Mii Channel.

Apparently, Tony had asked a certain unidentified PBA bowler to help him purchase a Nintendo Wii that Tony could take with him to Iraq. Tony then mailed his Nintendo Wii to his wife before returning home. Tony then returned home to warnings from family and friends about his wife’s indiscretion.

He initially refused to believe them – that is, until he checked the Miis that he had created on Nintendo’s Mii Channel and discovered a Mii in the image and likeness of the PBA bowler. Further investigation revealed that Tony’s wife and the bowler have been spending quite some time together in Tony’s absence.

In spite of the evidence, Tony’s wife has denied having had a long-term affair with the bowler. He has already filed for divorce, and is still trying to find healing after his sad experience.

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