Wii homebrew – FCE Ultra GX v3.0.8
August 3, 2009
Homebrew coder Tantric has recently released a new update for FCE Ultra GX, a NES emulator for the Nintendo Wii based on FCE Ultra. The latest update has added a few tweaks and some more fixes.
Download: FCE Ultra GX v3.0.8
Homebrew coder Tantric has recently released a new update for FCE Ultra GX, a NES emulator for the Nintendo Wii based on FCE Ultra. The latest update has added a few tweaks and some more fixes.
Version 3.0.8 changelog:
- Fixed menu crash
- Fixed turbo mode – reduced to frameskip of 1
- Fixed .CHT file support
- Added Game Genie support – required GG rom placed at /fceugx/gg.rom
- FDS BIOS location changed to /fceugx/disksys.rom
- DVD file limit of 2000 removed
Download: FCE Ultra GX v3.0.8
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Via Wiibrew