Wii homebrew – Italian Parking v0.21

it - Image 1ElectroKidd has released a new homebrew game for the Nintendo Wii called Italian Parking. This Wiibrew 3D puzzle game is still on its early stages of development. The first release version has added more levels to the game.

Download: Italian Parking v0.21

it - Image 1ElectroKidd has released a new homebrew game for the Nintendo Wii called Italian Parking. This Wiibrew 3D puzzle game is still on its early stages of development. The first release version has added more levels to the game.

There are now 5 more levels for you to enjoy. The dev notes that future updates will includes sounds, more levels, different models and themes.

Download: Italian Parking v0.21

More Wii homebrews:

Via Wiibrew

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