Wii might initiate rebirth of adventure games

ClassicLet’s play a little analogy game here, shall we? Xbox 360 is to Gears of War, PS3 is to Resistence: Fall of Man and Wii is to The Legend of Zelda. Correct? While some of you will instantly not agree and go with “Zelda-is-no-FPS-you-noob!” comment, allow us to explain for a while.

It seems to some that the industry, while it is booming, is facing a disaster in slow motion. Gamers nowadays are all about first person shooters. Regardless of the plot and of the background story, an FPS title is just that: a game in first person view with player’s holding a weapon. Such is the claim of David Taylor from Gaming Tarrget. According to him, Nintendo is on the verge of saving the industry by “reviving” alternatives.

We used “reviving” because the alternatives were here first before the FPS. Take for example the case of the adventure genre, especially the point-and-click adventure games. During the 80s and the early 90s, adventure games were so popular on PC. All consoles that time, provided the almost given side scrolling movements, deal with adventure titles one way or the other. The more known titles back then include KingÂ’s Quest, Space Quest and Gabriel Knight.

Given Nintendo’s innovative new controller, point-and-click titles may well be on their way back again. After all, the Wiimote works rather closely similar with a computer’s mouse. Actually, Nintendo had started it with certain DS titles like Touch Detective and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney.

Sam and Max, by far, has the biggest chance to make it. It would be remembered that even developer Telltale encouraged fans to write Nintendo about the matter. If all the stars and the planets align right for this title, it may not be long before we see a rebirth of the adventure genre.

Via GamingTarget

ClassicLet’s play a little analogy game here, shall we? Xbox 360 is to Gears of War, PS3 is to Resistence: Fall of Man and Wii is to The Legend of Zelda. Correct? While some of you will instantly not agree and go with “Zelda-is-no-FPS-you-noob!” comment, allow us to explain for a while.

It seems to some that the industry, while it is booming, is facing a disaster in slow motion. Gamers nowadays are all about first person shooters. Regardless of the plot and of the background story, an FPS title is just that: a game in first person view with player’s holding a weapon. Such is the claim of David Taylor from Gaming Tarrget. According to him, Nintendo is on the verge of saving the industry by “reviving” alternatives.

We used “reviving” because the alternatives were here first before the FPS. Take for example the case of the adventure genre, especially the point-and-click adventure games. During the 80s and the early 90s, adventure games were so popular on PC. All consoles that time, provided the almost given side scrolling movements, deal with adventure titles one way or the other. The more known titles back then include KingÂ’s Quest, Space Quest and Gabriel Knight.

Given Nintendo’s innovative new controller, point-and-click titles may well be on their way back again. After all, the Wiimote works rather closely similar with a computer’s mouse. Actually, Nintendo had started it with certain DS titles like Touch Detective and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney.

Sam and Max, by far, has the biggest chance to make it. It would be remembered that even developer Telltale encouraged fans to write Nintendo about the matter. If all the stars and the planets align right for this title, it may not be long before we see a rebirth of the adventure genre.

Via GamingTarget

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