Wii SD card memory management video
About a week ago we ran an article on what appeared to be problems regarding the usage of SD cards with the new Wii. In the article, we mentioned that the Joystiq guys ran into a wall when trying to save their game progress, with the system not recognizing their SD cards. As it turns out, an update has fixed the Wii’s SD card management issues. The feature is now enabled and usable, as seen in the above YouTube video recently uploaded by Kotaku.
That’s the good news. The bad news will become very apparent when you watch the video. Notice that in the video, the game that is being copied to the SD card is the venerable Donkey Kong, which is roughly 100 kilobytes in size. Small, right? Yeah, problem is, copying it to the SD card is taking forever in the video. Of course, there’s always the chance that the SD card being used in this case is old or has an ultra-slow speed but regardless, we’re hoping that another update will speed this feature up.
About a week ago we ran an article on what appeared to be problems regarding the usage of SD cards with the new Wii. In the article, we mentioned that the Joystiq guys ran into a wall when trying to save their game progress, with the system not recognizing their SD cards. As it turns out, an update has fixed the Wii’s SD card management issues. The feature is now enabled and usable, as seen in the above YouTube video recently uploaded by Kotaku.
That’s the good news. The bad news will become very apparent when you watch the video. Notice that in the video, the game that is being copied to the SD card is the venerable Donkey Kong, which is roughly 100 kilobytes in size. Small, right? Yeah, problem is, copying it to the SD card is taking forever in the video. Of course, there’s always the chance that the SD card being used in this case is old or has an ultra-slow speed but regardless, we’re hoping that another update will speed this feature up.