Wiibrew News: Team Twiizers to release DVD Access Library
You can’t say they didn’t try. Bushing‘s attempts to contact Nintendo has been fruitless, apparently. Which is good for us, and bad for Nintendo. Now, Team Twiizers will soon release a library that will enable the Wii to have DVD access for homebrew. Details in the full article.
You can’t say they didn’t try. The Wiibrew community has been all abuzz lately when Team Twiizer’s Bushing tried to contact Nintendo on a recently discovered Wii exploit, rather than sharing the hack with the rest of the community. Although Nintendo has replied to Bushing, it seems they weren’t all that interested – or at least, not interested enough to follow up on it.
As you may know by now, the exploit allows the Wii to read DVD-Rs and Video DVDs without the use of a modchip, or even custom firmware. As Nintendo did not open up a conversation with Bushing, Team Twiizers has decided that they will be releasing a library that makes use of the exploit. The library will be released in the following week.
Needless to say, this is a remarkable leap for the Wiibrew community. Here’s what Team Twiizer’s Marcan has to say about the library, and the situation with Nintendo:
Note: this is not a backup loader, in any way, shape, or form. If youÂ’re looking for a backup loader, please move along.
While Nintendo did reply to bushingÂ’s open letter, he has not succeeded in establishing a conversation with an engineer about the issue. Furthermore, we have learned that they received and read at least two of the original three e-mails that were sent prior to the open letter, and decided not to reply (in fact, one of their replies was to one of the original e-mails, but only after the open letter was posted). Therefore, we can only conclude that they are not very interested in the issue.
As many of you may already know or have deduced, the bug in our open letter referred to a way of reading DVD-Rs (and Video DVDs) without the use of a modchip. Several people have investigated the bug independently, and theyÂ’ve gotten pretty close. However, we did discover an easier way of enabling this mode from homebrew, which, among other things, does not require any changes to IOS at all. This method is also relatively difficult to transform into some sort of backup loader.
Erant has been developing a library that uses this trick to enable DVD access for homebrew. We hope to release it this coming week, after a few details have been polished. svpe and dhewg have been working on a native mplayer port that uses this library to play back DVDs, which we hope to release as a proof-of-concept together with the library. We also have DVD-loading versions of snes9x and Genplus.
Non-modchip users will not need a custom IOS. Ironically, this method doesnÂ’t work for users of some modchips. Therefore, these users will require a patched IOS using the well-known UnencryptedRead patch (the library will automatically use it if needed). WeÂ’ll try to release a somewhat more user-friendly version of patchmii dedicated to this task together with the library.
Related Articles:
- Bushing discovers exploit that allows ISOs to run on unmodified Wiis
- Nintendo finally responds to Bushing about Wii exploit discovery
- Wiibrew custom firmware: Custom IOS installer, DVD dumper
Via HackMii