WiiConnect24 in Trouble in the UK?
The United Kingdom is thinking of going through with a piece of legislation that would ban all electronics from going into sleep mode. Why is this you ask? Well, “According to a government energy review, standby machines use eight percent of all domestic electricity in the UK.” That’s right, an entire eight percent! Anyway, if this law does in fact go into action, this would give Nintendo a really bad time in implementing their WiiConnect24 service. WiiConnect24 goes under the assumption that your system is always on – be it regular power or standby. If the law is passed, it means Nintendo would have to tailor the Wii to comply with the UKs restrictions. However, don’t worry, this law doesn’t seem too practical. If people can’t put their electronics to sleep, a good portion of them will just leave them on. This will just waste even more energy than banning sleep mode.
Via GameSpot
The United Kingdom is thinking of going through with a piece of legislation that would ban all electronics from going into sleep mode. Why is this you ask? Well, “According to a government energy review, standby machines use eight percent of all domestic electricity in the UK.” That’s right, an entire eight percent! Anyway, if this law does in fact go into action, this would give Nintendo a really bad time in implementing their WiiConnect24 service. WiiConnect24 goes under the assumption that your system is always on – be it regular power or standby. If the law is passed, it means Nintendo would have to tailor the Wii to comply with the UKs restrictions. However, don’t worry, this law doesn’t seem too practical. If people can’t put their electronics to sleep, a good portion of them will just leave them on. This will just waste even more energy than banning sleep mode.
Via GameSpot