WiiConnect24 Not Affected By UK Power Legislation Because of Loophole?
With the British Government on the verge of pulling the plug on standby switches found in televisions, video and DVD players to cut the amount of wasteful electricity leakage, many soothsayers predicted power outage ahead for WiiConnect 24. WiiConnect24 is the Wii’s online version of the video game 7-Eleven.
It appears Wii may come out unscathe thanks to a loop hole in the energy-saving law. According to its latest draft, the law applies specifically to standby features on TVs and set-top boxes but not game consoles. The Energy Review may include home console gaming eventually but according to sources “timelines for the implementation of any actual law-making are vague.”
What it means is that WiiConnect24 online gaming system will not be affected by the proposed law. Besides, Nintendo is ready to argue that technically the Wii is not in standby mode and its method of downloading is better than one requiring full power usage.
Company prez Satoru Iwata said WiiConnect24 will consume as much power as a miniature lightbulb – statement many analyst called vague because different light bulb technology sucks different amounts of power. Besides, if you add up the “miniature lightbulb” of a million Wii the total will definitely be a “giant lightbulb”.
We just want to say we think the energy law isn’t an unreasonable law at all since it’s meant to save the planet. If you love Earth like we do, it won’t kill you to switch off your Wii when you’re not using it. By the way, thanks to Ryan Lewis for the tip!
Via Spong
With the British Government on the verge of pulling the plug on standby switches found in televisions, video and DVD players to cut the amount of wasteful electricity leakage, many soothsayers predicted power outage ahead for WiiConnect 24. WiiConnect24 is the Wii’s online version of the video game 7-Eleven.
It appears Wii may come out unscathe thanks to a loop hole in the energy-saving law. According to its latest draft, the law applies specifically to standby features on TVs and set-top boxes but not game consoles. The Energy Review may include home console gaming eventually but according to sources “timelines for the implementation of any actual law-making are vague.”
What it means is that WiiConnect24 online gaming system will not be affected by the proposed law. Besides, Nintendo is ready to argue that technically the Wii is not in standby mode and its method of downloading is better than one requiring full power usage.
Company prez Satoru Iwata said WiiConnect24 will consume as much power as a miniature lightbulb – statement many analyst called vague because different light bulb technology sucks different amounts of power. Besides, if you add up the “miniature lightbulb” of a million Wii the total will definitely be a “giant lightbulb”.
We just want to say we think the energy law isn’t an unreasonable law at all since it’s meant to save the planet. If you love Earth like we do, it won’t kill you to switch off your Wii when you’re not using it. By the way, thanks to Ryan Lewis for the tip!
Via Spong