WiiShip v0.5: Battleship Wiibrew game
August 20, 2008
There’s no beating the classics. Wiibrew developer AcAdIeN has released WiiShip, a translation of the classic Battleship game for the Wii. Details in the full article.
Download: WiiShip v0.5
Fancy a game of Battleships? Developer AcADIen has released WiiShip, a Wiibrew translation of the classic Battleships game for the Nintendo Wii. This version doesn’t have multiplayer yet, but the dev says that it will be coming in future versions.
If you aren’t unfamiliar with Battleships, it’s a guessing game where you and an opponent place your “ships” of varying sizes on a grid, and both of you try to sink each others ships by calling grid locations.
Here’s the control scheme:
- A: Choose a place, or shoot the opponent
- B: When you are choosing a place, this will change the boat direction
- 1: Stop splash and boom sound
- 2: Restart the game
- Home: In game menu/ Exit game
Download: WiiShip v0.5
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